
The Magic of Amazon Personalize

October 7, 2024

Let’s tackle Amazon Personalize and discuss the basics of personalization in ecommerce.

Can you recall an online ad you’ve seen that isn’t relevant to you or your lifestyle in any way? You might have encountered such ads in the past, but chances are you won’t remember what product they’re for.

Relevance is one of the reasons why ads catch our attention and resonate with us. That’s where the power of Amazon Personalize comes in. 

Let’s tackle the power of personalization on Amazon. We’ll also review personalization tactics you can apply in ecommerce, on and off Amazon.


Personalization in Ecommerce and Digital Marketing

Before we dive deep into Amazon Personalize, let’s discuss personalization in ecommerce and digital marketing, and why it’s an essential factor in running a business online.

Ecommerce personalization is an approach that lets business owners connect with their audience at a deeper level. 

Going for a one-size-fits-all strategy these days means you’re not making the most out of the power of digital marketing. With personalization, you can tailor your messages to your audience, including their: 

Unique preferences
Shopping habits


Data reported by WiserNotify reveals that eight out of 10 shoppers are more likely to buy when messages are personalized to them. In addition, 78% of shoppers said they’re willing to pay more for a brand that offers a customized experience.

The same study shows that 20% of marketers have seen a 20% boost in sales from personalization tactics, which can include tailored marketing.

The Benefits of Personalization (Source – WiserNotify)

On the other hand, Startup Bonsai cited seven out of 10 shoppers who said they are frustrated by impersonal shopping experiences.

When brands personalize their messages, shoppers feel that they are understood and valued. So, ecommerce personalization tools, such as that offered by Amazon, is surely something worth considering.


What is Amazon Personalize?

At its core, Amazon Personalize is a machine learning (ML) service designed to help businesses craft highly relevant, individualized customer experiences.

Amazon Personalize enables ecommerce platforms to recommend the right products to the right people at the right time, based on the following:

User interactions with products
Search queries
Browsing behavior


What sets Amazon Personalize apart is its ability to integrate seamlessly with other tools and strategies like ASIN targeting and keyword targeting.


Key Features of Amazon Personalize

Amazon Personalize offers a set of features designed to help brands fine-tune their marketing campaigns with precision. Here are some of its key features:


Creating Recommendations

Amazon Personalize allows businesses to generate tailored recommendations in real time or in batches. 

Whether you’re curating product suggestions or offering personalized content, this feature enables businesses to craft a relevant and engaging user experience, increasing both engagement and conversions.



The Next-Best-Action recipe analyzes user behaviors and recommends high-value actions customers are likely to take next. This can include suggesting loyalty program enrollments, new product categories or app downloads, all tailored to the specific interests of the individual user.


User Segmentation

With intelligent user segmentation, businesses can identify customer groups based on behaviors such as product interest or price sensitivity. 

This allows for more targeted marketing efforts, especially when combined with branded keywords that align with business goals, improving campaign effectiveness.


Contextual Targeting

Personalization can be further enhanced by factoring in contextual targeting. This feature tailors recommendations based on the user’s current environment, including factors like device type, location, or even time of day, making the suggestions more timely and relevant.


Similar Item Recommendations

This feature increases product visibility by recommending items that are similar to those a user has already engaged with. This helps users discover more of your catalog, increasing the likelihood of further engagement.

For instance, I tried searching for coffee makers on Amazon. On my next session, these are the recommendations offered to me, along with a section to pick up where I left off:

Amazon recommendations (screenshot)

Personalized Rankings

Amazon Personalize reorders lists, such as search results or promotions, based on what’s most relevant to each user. 

Personalized rankings ensure that users see the items most likely to capture their attention, improving click-through rates and overall satisfaction.


Benefits of Using Amazon Personalize

Here are some of the benefits Amazon Personalize can offer its users:

Customer Engagement. Shoppers are more likely to engage if the brand messages are relevant to them. Whether it’s recommending products, content, or actions, personalization keeps users interested.
Boost in Conversions. When users see suggestions that align with their needs and preferences, they’re more likely to make a purchase. Amazon Personalize enables brands to deliver contextual targeting, ensuring that the right products are shown at the right time, driving immediate action.
Improved Customer Loyalty. Brands can improve user satisfaction and loyalty by consistently delivering relevant content through features like Next-Best-Action recommendations. After all, customers are more likely to return when they feel that the business understands their needs.
Reduced Churn. Features like intelligent user segmentation allow brandowners to target at-risk customers with specific offers or recommendations. These offers can keep them engaged and reduce the likelihood of them leaving for a competitor.

Related content: Inside Omnichannel Ecommerce


How to Set Up Amazon Personalize

Here’s a quick guide on how to set up Amazon Personalize. Note, however, that you’ll need to create an account, access the Amazon Personalize developer console, and follow the set-up wizard before going through these steps.


Data Collection

Start by adding relevant data, such as user activities. These could be clicks, signups, purchases and other relevant events. This data is critical for building accurate, personalized experiences.


Model Customization

Next, choose an ML algorithm that best suits your data and requirements. This model will then be trained on the collected data to ensure it generates personalized recommendations.

How Amazon Personalize Works (Source – Amazon)

Solution Development

Create a customized solution for your business by selecting from various personalization recipes. These may include recommendations for individual users, segmentation of user groups, or prioritized rankings for personalized content.

PRO TIP. Recipes are algorithms for certain personalization use cases, such as recommendations and ranking.

Related content: AI on Amazon


Optimize Recommendations

Fine-tune the recommendations by considering your business objectives—whether that’s increasing revenue, boosting engagement, or promoting new products. This ensures that the personalization aligns with your company’s goals.


Recommendation Access

Once the recommendations are ready, you can retrieve them either in real-time or in batches, depending on your platform requirements.


Personalization API

Customize the delivery of recommendations through an API that allows for real-time or batch access, making it easier to integrate with your existing systems.


Contextual Adjustments

Finally, enhance the user experience by adjusting recommendations based on the context in which they are being viewed. This could include factors like the user’s device, location, or specific user segment.


Personalization Strategy Tactics On and Off Amazon

Here are a few personalization strategies tactics ecommerce business owners can use on and off Amazon.


On-Amazon Personalization


Dynamic Product Recommendations

Use Amazon Personalize to display dynamic product recommendations, such as “Customers who bought this item also bought” or “Frequently Bought Together.” This leverages real-time interaction data to show customers relevant products based on their behavior.


Tailored Marketing Campaigns

With contextual targeting, you can show personalized content based on user behavior, location, and device type. This could involve suggesting trending products or content recommendations in real-time during shopping sessions.

I browsed a cat toy on Amazon, and the bottom of the page gave me these recommendations:

Amazon recommendations (screenshot)

Personalized Search Rankings

Implement personalized rankings within search results to ensure the most relevant items appear first. Use Amazon Personalize’s search re-ranking capabilities to boost product visibility based on individual user preferences, increasing the likelihood of conversions.


Off-Amazon Personalization


Email Campaign Personalization

Use personalized recommendations in your email campaigns by leveraging Amazon Personalize to dynamically generate relevant product suggestions based on past user behavior and interactions. This can help improve click-through rates and reduce unsubscribe rates.


Targeted Ads and Retargeting

Integrate intelligent user segmentation to target specific audience groups for retargeting ads. By using customer behavior data, you can create hyper-relevant ads that increase the chances of converting leads.


Content Personalization

Brands can also employ contextual targeting on their websites and apps to provide tailored content experiences. For example, suggest blog posts, videos, or products based on the user’s location or browsing history to keep them engaged.


The Lowdown

Amazon Personalize harnesses the power of ML and real-time data to recommend the right products, content, or actions to individual users. 

By using this technology or any other ecommerce personalization tool, you can develop a deeper connection with your audience and make their shopping experience less like a transaction and more like a customized journey.

If you’re looking for expert guidance on how to implement and optimize Amazon Personalize for your business, reach out to an Amazon marketing agency. An Amazon specialist can help you integrate ML solutions and fine-tune your ecommerce strategies.



Carla Bauto Deña is a journalist and content writer producing stories for traditional and digital media. She believes in empowering small businesses with the help of innovative solutions, such as e-commerce and digital marketing.

The post The Magic of Amazon Personalize appeared first on AMZ Advisers.