
What are A to Z Claims on Amazon?

September 30, 2024

The Amazon A to Z Guarantee protects customers when purchasing from third parties. But how does it affect sellers?

While customers generally have a good experience with Amazon, not all transactions and deliveries go as planned. Amazon created the A to Z Guarantee to protect buyers when they purchase items through a third-party seller. 

How does the A to Z guarantee work? If customers experience an issue with an order, they can file a claim with Amazon. From here, buyers usually receive a refund or a replacement purchase. 

In some cases, such as defective products, Amazon will cover personal injury claims and even property damage–as much as $1,000.

But what does the Amazon A to Z guarantee mean for sellers? It’s essential to follow Amazon’s policy and prevent any claims on your part. Here’s the seller’s guide to the Amazon A to Z guarantee.


What Is the Amazon A to Z Guarantee?

The Amazon A to Z Guarantee is a policy that promises complete coverage when consumers purchase items from a third-party seller. This policy promises Amazon will offer protection from start to finish―from the minute they buy an item to the second they receive it.

There are many factors that sellers must adhere to in the A to Z Guarantee. Some of the most common factors are delivery speed and item condition, though buyers can file a claim for any reason that a purchase didn’t meet their expectations. These may include:

Order not received by the delivery date
Item is different than expected
Damaged or defective product
The seller charged the customer more for the item
Seller hasn’t issued a refund for a returned item
The seller issued a refund for a returned item, but the refund wasn’t the correct amount


Customers are urged to contact the seller directly before Amazon since there’s a 48-hour window before buyers can file a claim. 

Once a customer files a claim, Amazon reviews it to see if it meets the guarantee. If so, Amazon usually refunds the customer or sends them a replacement product.


History of the Amazon A to Z Guarantee

Amazon created the A to Z Guarantee around 20 years ago. Around this time, Amazon started establishing itself as the ecommerce giant; they released Prime, Kindle, Fresh, Music, and more offerings. 

Since Amazon was working with many third parties, they needed a way to ensure customers had the same protections as if they were purchasing from Amazon directly. 

In addition to protecting customer purchases, Amazon extended this program to cover personal injury and property damage claims in the event of a defective product.


What Happens When a Customer Files an A to Z Claim?

As part of the Amazon A to Z Guarantee, customers must file a claim for a refund or replacement product. After a customer sends their claim, Amazon will email the seller. This email will contain all of the claim details and request a response from the seller. 

Brands have five business days to accept the claim or appeal it. 

Sellers can always appeal the claim and fight against buyer fraud. If the seller appeals the claim, they must include evidence that shows the customer was wrong. However, if the seller doesn’t respond, Amazon automatically grants the claim to the customer.

On average, Amazon takes about one week to investigate claims. Amazon will contact the customer and seller about the claim and notify both parties of its resolution.

Sellers have two options when handling the claim. They can either issue the refund or ship the new product themselves. If they don’t, Amazon will handle this for the seller by deducting the cost from your Seller Central account.

How Amazon’s A to Z Claims Affect Sellers

The Amazon A to Z Guarantee benefits customers, and there’s no arguing that fact. But how does this policy affect sellers?


Customer Trust

In 2023, Amazon had around 310 million customers. Amazon reached this level by having longstanding beneficial relations with its consumers. 

To ensure customers feel confident buying products, they ensured the Amazon A to Z Guarantee offers robust protection against everything, from items not received to defective products.



All sellers know that being responsive is an integral part of the business. Fortunately, customers have 48 hours to file a claim. This allows sellers to resolve the problem before the Amazon A to Z Guarantee is in effect. As a result, sellers will improve their reputation and trust among customers.

That said, too many claims against you have lasting impacts. A to Z claims can result in a higher Order Defect Rate. Too many claims and sellers can face warnings, suspensions, and even account termination.


How to Handle an Amazon Claim

Under the Amazon A to Z Guarantee, third-party sellers must have a very high level of customer satisfaction. If sellers don’t meet this need, there are some severe consequences. So, what should a seller do if a customer files a claim against them?


Delivery Issues

Sometimes, shipping fails. Customers may experience delivery issues, such as late arrivals and lost parcels. That said, timely deliveries are part of the Amazon A to Z Guarantee. 

Always apologize and settle the claim if something goes wrong with the shipping. Most customers will request a new product, though some may want a refund.


Item Damage

Item damage is another common factor in the Amazon A to Z Guarantee, especially when the parcel is damaged during transit. There are many ways to prevent this, such as by supervising warehouse workers and couriers and following Amazon’s packaging guidelines.

That said, item damages can still happen. As stated in the last section, always respond to customer complaints immediately. While it’s still best if the customer sends a picture of the damaged parcel, sellers should still offer a refund.


Can Customers Scam Sellers With Fake Claims?

Can customers submit a fake claim under the Amazon A to Z Guarantee? While rare, consumer fraud still happens—for example, 25% of buyers who request refunds plan on keeping the product.

But can customers fraud Amazon and the A to Z Guarantee? Yes, sellers can appeal a buyer’s claim under SAFE-T claims. However, sellers must have hard evidence.

If a customer files a claim that you find suspicious, contact Amazon or appeal the claim. Gather as much evidence as possible, such as tracking information and receipts. If you have enough proof, Amazon will rule in your favor.

How to Avoid Amazon A to Z Claims

Limiting your A to Z claims is integral to your reputation and can prevent serious consequences. Here are some best practices under the Amazon A to Z Guarantee.


Use High-Quality Fulfillment and Shipping

While you take care preparing and shipping your inventory to your 3PL partner, the company and its staff may not take the same quality strides when shipping your product to the end consumer. 

If you use FBM, partner with a trusted logistics, fulfillment, and/or shipping company. View their warehousing, packing, and shipping practices to ensure they meet yours. Always ensure they include automated shipment tracking to both you and the customer. 

Switch to a new service if you get a claim and feel it was the 3PL’s fault.

That said, if you use FBA and have Amazon seller insurance, then Amazon will handle this for you.


Post Accurate Listings

Another common reason consumers file claims under the Amazon A to Z Guarantee is that they were expecting one thing, and the product was completely different. 

Post detailed product listings to avoid misunderstandings. This includes posting product dimensions, colors, multiple photos and videos, and all the features consumers can expect. Always read over each listing to ensure it’s 100% correct.


Respond to Customers

Sellers should always respond to customer complaints promptly. As stated, Amazon gives customers 48 hours to file a claim under the Amazon A to Z Guarantee. During that time, customers can contact sellers instead. In that case, sellers should respond and resolve their problems within that timeframe.

There are many ways to ensure you offer a prompt customer response. Always turn on email and chat notifications. Hire extra customer support staff to have someone available at all hours.


The Amazon A to Z Benefits Sellers and Customers

Even though sellers work diligently to ensure a positive customer experience, things can always sour. This is why the Amazon A to Z Guarantee is available to customers. With this policy, Amazon promises complete coverage when customers purchase an item from a third-party seller.Are you a seller who has gotten a few A to Z claims? This can be due to many reasons, such as inaccurate listings and poor customer service. If that’s the case, it’s time you reach out for help. We can help you create listings, ads, and other marketing materials representing your brand and products.



Stephanie Jensen has been writing ecommerce content for seven years, and her copy has helped numerous stores rank on Amazon. Follow her on LinkedIn for more insight into freelance writing and creating high-quality content.

The post What are A to Z Claims on Amazon? appeared first on AMZ Advisers.